69 research outputs found

    An analysis of the user occupational class through Twitter content

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    Social media content can be used as a complementary source to the traditional methods for extracting and studying collective social attributes. This study focuses on the prediction of the occupational class for a public user profile. Our analysis is conducted on a new annotated corpus of Twitter users, their respective job titles, posted textual content and platform-related attributes. We frame our task as classification using latent feature representations such as word clusters and embeddings. The employed linear and, especially, non-linear methods can predict a user’s occupational class with strong accuracy for the coarsest level of a standard occupation taxonomy which includes nine classes. Combined with a qualitative assessment, the derived results confirm the feasibility of our approach in inferring a new user attribute that can be embedded in a multitude of downstream applications

    Enhancing Feature Selection Using Word Embeddings: The Case of Flu Surveillance

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    Health surveillance systems based on online user-generated content often rely on the identification of textual markers that are related to a target disease. Given the high volume of available data, these systems benefit from an automatic feature selection process. This is accomplished either by applying statistical learning techniques, which do not consider the semantic relationship between the selected features and the inference task, or by developing labour-intensive text classifiers. In this paper, we use neural word embeddings, trained on social media content from Twitter, to determine, in an unsupervised manner, how strongly textual features are semantically linked to an underlying health concept. We then refine conventional feature selection methods by a priori operating on textual variables that are sufficiently close to a target concept. Our experiments focus on the supervised learning problem of estimating influenza-like illness rates from Google search queries. A "flu infection" concept is formulated and used to reduce spurious and potentially confounding features that were selected by previously applied approaches. In this way, we also address forms of scepticism regarding the appropriateness of the feature space, alleviating potential cases of overfitting. Ultimately, the proposed hybrid feature selection method creates a more reliable model that, according to our empirical analysis, improves the inference performance (Mean Absolute Error) of linear and nonlinear regressors by 12% and 28.7%, respectively

    Multi-Task Learning Improves Disease Models from Web Search

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    We investigate the utility of multi-task learning to disease surveillance using Web search data. Our motivation is two-fold. Firstly, we assess whether concurrently training models for various geographies - inside a country or across different countries - can improve accuracy. We also test the ability of such models to assist health systems that are producing sporadic disease surveillance reports that reduce the quantity of available training data. We explore both linear and nonlinear models, specifically a multi-task expansion of elastic net and a multi-task Gaussian Process, and compare them to their respective single task formulations. We use influenza-like illness as a case study and conduct experiments on the United States (US) as well as England, where both health and Google search data were obtained. Our empirical results indicate that multi-task learning improves regional as well as national models for the US. The percentage of improvement on mean absolute error increases up to 14.8% as the historical training data is reduced from 5 to 1 year(s), illustrating that accurate models can be obtained, even by training on relatively short time intervals. Furthermore, in simulated scenarios, where only a few health reports (training data) are available, we show that multi-task learning helps to maintain a stable performance across all the affected locations. Finally, we present results from a cross-country experiment, where data from the US improves the estimates for England. As the historical training data for England is reduced, the benefits of multi-task learning increase, reducing mean absolute error by up to 40%

    An artificial intelligence approach for selecting effective teacher communication strategies in autism education

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    Effective inclusive education is key in promoting the long-term outcomes of children with autism spectrum conditions (ASC). However, no concrete consensus exists to guide teacher-student interactions in the classroom. In this work, we explore the potential of artificial intelligence as an approach in autism education to assist teachers in effective practice in developing social and educational outcomes for children with ASC. We form a protocol to systematically capture such interactions, and conduct a statistical analysis to uncover basic patterns in the collected observations, including the longer-term effect of specific teacher communication strategies on student response. In addition, we deploy machine learning techniques to predict student response given the form of communication used by teachers under specific classroom conditions and in relation to specified student attributes. Our analysis, drawn on a sample of 5460 coded interactions between teachers and seven students, sheds light on the varying effectiveness of different communication strategies and demonstrates the potential of this approach in making a contribution to autism education

    E-NER - An Annotated Named Entity Recognition Corpus of Legal Text

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    Identifying named entities such as a person, location or organization, in documents can highlight key information to readers. Training Named Entity Recognition (NER) models requires an annotated data set, which can be a time-consuming labour-intensive task. Nevertheless, there are publicly available NER data sets for general English. Recently there has been interest in developing NER for legal text. However, prior work and experimental results reported here indicate that there is a significant degradation in performance when NER methods trained on a general English data set are applied to legal text. We describe a publicly available legal NER data set, called E-NER, based on legal company filings available from the US Securities and Exchange Commission's EDGAR data set. Training a number of different NER algorithms on the general English CoNLL-2003 corpus but testing on our test collection confirmed significant degradations in accuracy, as measured by the F1-score, of between 29.4% and 60.4%, compared to training and testing on the E-NER collection

    Advances in nowcasting influenza-like illness rates using search query logs

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    User-generated content can assist epidemiological surveillance in the early detection and prevalence estimation of infectious diseases, such as influenza. Google Flu Trends embodies the first public platform for transforming search queries to indications about the current state of flu in various places all over the world. However, the original model significantly mispredicted influenza-like illness rates in the US during the 2012–13 flu season. In this work, we build on the previous modeling attempt, proposing substantial improvements. Firstly, we investigate the performance of a widely used linear regularized regression solver, known as the Elastic Net. Then, we expand on this model by incorporating the queries selected by the Elastic Net into a nonlinear regression framework, based on a composite Gaussian Process. Finally, we augment the query-only predictions with an autoregressive model, injecting prior knowledge about the disease. We assess predictive performance using five consecutive flu seasons spanning from 2008 to 2013 and qualitatively explain certain shortcomings of the previous approach. Our results indicate that a nonlinear query modeling approach delivers the lowest cumulative nowcasting error, and also suggest that query information significantly improves autoregressive inferences, obtaining state-of-the-art performance

    Estimating the Population Impact of a New Pediatric Influenza Vaccination Program in England Using Social Media Content

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    BACKGROUND: The rollout of a new childhood live attenuated influenza vaccine program was launched in England in 2013, which consisted of a national campaign for all 2 and 3 year olds and several pilot locations offering the vaccine to primary school-age children (4-11 years of age) during the influenza season. The 2014/2015 influenza season saw the national program extended to include additional pilot regions, some of which offered the vaccine to secondary school children (11-13 years of age) as well. OBJECTIVE: We utilized social media content to obtain a complementary assessment of the population impact of the programs that were launched in England during the 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 flu seasons. The overall community-wide impact on transmission in pilot areas was estimated for the different age groups that were targeted for vaccination. METHODS: A previously developed statistical framework was applied, which consisted of a nonlinear regression model that was trained to infer influenza-like illness (ILI) rates from Twitter posts originating in pilot (school-age vaccinated) and control (unvaccinated) areas. The control areas were then used to estimate ILI rates in pilot areas, had the intervention not taken place. These predictions were compared with their corresponding Twitter-based ILI estimates. RESULTS: Results suggest a reduction in ILI rates of 14% (1-25%) and 17% (2-30%) across all ages in only the primary school-age vaccine pilot areas during the 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 influenza seasons, respectively. No significant impact was observed in areas where two age cohorts of secondary school children were vaccinated. CONCLUSIONS: These findings corroborate independent assessments from traditional surveillance data, thereby supporting the ongoing rollout of the program to primary school-age children and providing evidence of the value of social media content as an additional syndromic surveillance tool

    Transfer learning for unsupervised influenza-like illness models from online search data

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    A considerable body of research has demonstrated that online search data can be used to complement current syndromic surveillance systems. The vast majority of previous work proposes solutions that are based on supervised learning paradigms, in which historical disease rates are required for training a model. However, for many geographical regions this information is either sparse or not available due to a poor health infrastructure. It is these regions that have the most to benefit from inferring population health statistics from online user search activity. To address this issue, we propose a statistical framework in which we first learn a supervised model for a region with adequate historical disease rates, and then transfer it to a target region, where no syndromic surveillance data exists. This transfer learning solution consists of three steps: (i) learn a regularized regression model for a source country, (ii) map the source queries to target ones using semantic and temporal similarity metrics, and (iii) re-adjust the weights of the target queries. It is evaluated on the task of estimating influenza-like illness (ILI) rates. We learn a source model for the United States, and subsequently transfer it to three other countries, namely France, Spain and Australia. Overall, the transferred (unsupervised) models achieve strong performance in terms of Pearson correlation with the ground truth (> .92 on average), and their mean absolute error does not deviate greatly from a fully supervised baseline

    A Concept Language Model for Ad-hoc Retrieval

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    We propose an extension to language models for information retrieval. Typically, language models estimate the probability of a document generating the query, where the query is considered as a set of independent search terms. We extend this approach by considering the concepts implied by both the query and words in the document. The model combines the probability of the document generating the concept embodied by the query, and the traditional language model probability of the document generating the query terms. We use a word embedding space to express concepts. The similarity between two vectors in this space is estimated using a weighted cosine distance. The weighting significantly enhances the discrimination between vectors. We evaluate our model on benchmark datasets (TREC 6–8) and empirically demonstrate it outperforms state-of-the-art baselines

    Time Series Analysis of Garment Distributions Via Street Webcam

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